Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Well, here I go forward with change. To start a blog has been something I wouldn't have dreamed of, I mean..who just starts pouring their hearts and souls online just for internal therapy?
I used to journal, for most of my life especially when I was struggling it seemed. When I didn't want to talk about what was so deep inside, I would write. It somehow became a way to help me understand what I was really feeling. When I read back to some of those journals, I can be transported back instantly to that time, whether it was the best times or the worst. It reminds me of where I was and how far, or not far I have come.
I'm going forth with blogging, only because first off, my penmanship has deteriorated to the point of me not even being to read it, to the fact that I'm usually on a computer daily, and why not?
I want this blog to be my journal of healing I will call it. Its something I need to get out. I need to release so much thats so deep inside and has started to come to the surface with the new change in my life...Separation.